Usługi księgowe - Szybkie, przystępne i profesjonalne usługi księgowe w UE
Organisation of the company accounting form and elaboration of the company policy;
Preparation and update of an own chart of accounts;
Setting up individual detailed accounts;
Processing of primary accounting documents, income documents, receipts, bank documents, etc.;
Preparation and keeping accounting registers;
Accounting for fixed tangible and intangible assets;
Elaboration of an accounting and tax depreciation schedule and accounting of fixed asset depreciation;
Accounting for company stock;
Calculation of item and service cost;
Preparation and submission of monthly logs and statement-declarations under the VAT Act and VIES;
Submission of information related to the Intrastat system;
Accounting for and analysis of accounts with contractors, suppliers and clients;
Current regular reports and analyses in relation to the accounts with suppliers and clients, warehouses and cash flows, income, expense and other indicators, for your needs as a company manager.